Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Great Idea - What To Do When You Have One

9 times out of 10 a great idea is not so great after all. How can you not make the mistake of presuming it is, so you can still benefit from it?

1 Where did your great idea come from? The 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration rule is till a golden rule. It's unlikely you'll dream of one, have a lightning flash of genius when you've had a couple of beers or someone will tell you one. Ideas come after, usually prolonged, preparation. That is, you've been working on a problem or in the topic area of the idea. Second, there has to be a context, usually mental, that the idea comes from. In both cases, your brain has to have been prepared in some way for the idea to occur to you.

2 You think you have a genuinely great idea for your business. The first thing you should do is decide how to work out if it really is great. You can do that in several ways. Briefly, they are: talk to someone about it who knows something about the topic, write it out in some form so that it's outside of you in an objective way, try it out on your social site readers, and set up a survey. In other words, get as many viewpoints as you can. Of course, you don't want to give all the details of it away, so be careful how you tell people about it.

3 If you still think it's a great idea, try it out. But do this small scale. In any case, if it's such a great idea, it might take a while to set up. Try it in a small area of your business or on only a few visitors or whatever the context for it is. This way, if it's not so good then you haven't lost anything, including time.

4 If it still looks OK, then set up a launch for it or involving it. If you've contacted others about it, you've already got some pre-launch interest. If not, then you'll have plan with getting that started and leading to the actual selling of the product involving your idea.

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