Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Secret Small Business Opportunities Online Few People Know About

I am often asked if there are any small business opportunities online left out there.

People seem to think that everything has been tried. There are tons of secret opportunities. Why are they secret?

I will answer with a question. Have you ever been sent into a room to find something, let's say a salt shaker and you can't find it even after someone comes in to tell you it is right in front of your nose?

We tend to overlook the obvious. Car crash victims report that the other car "came out of nowhere". Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a great fiction story around the exact same phenomenon. His hero: Sherlock Holmes. The book title was The Purloined Letter. Basically, people couldn't find a letter they were convinced was hidden. It lay for days on a table in plain sight.

What does Sherlock Holmes and car wrecks have to do with small business opportunities online?

Assumptions. People don't see an opportunity right in front of their eyes. Yes, like the salt shaker.

So, what is the best small business to start? The affiliate business. I won't go into it here. It will be the subject of another article.

Here are just a few of the "secret" markets out there that can be mined on the internet:

  1. Open a rental agency in Tuscany, Italy because you are sick of the rain and cold where you are.
  2. You love kids, but are sick of teaching? Build a site on kids' birthday party ideas.
  3. Love network marketing, but your relatives and neighbors are getting rude about any more "shows"? Build a booming online network marketing site.
  4. You're a laborer on an asphalt laying crew, love the smell of the stuff and the end product but you are sick of layoffs and bosses? Build a web site selling asphalt repair materials, asphalt machines, anything to do with asphalt.
  5. Computers are your thing? Build an expert site on XP. Sell cheap computer parts. Sell courses, software, peripherals and so on.
  6. A hair dresser can open her own hair care site.
  7. Become a web master. It is much easier than you think and the demand is incredible.
  8. If audio is your passion, create a site on all things audio.
  9. Health Juicers? Can't go a day without your favorite vegetable brew? Build a site on that.

In conclusion, the list of "secrets" and dream businesses is as varied as the types of people reading this article. There are no limits and no market is saturated. The AFFILIATE SMALL BUSINESS model makes it all safe, simple and easy.

By the way, if you are interested in accessing complete case studies of dozens of people who have done what you are dreaming of, I have built you an SBI! page full of their stories. Simply click on the large red (Case Studies) link toward the top of my page at