Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Importance of an Open Communication Between Parents and Children

Growing children often find it hard to communicate and talk to their parents. It is very necessary that the parents keep the line of communication open with children and avoid any generation gaps. Where there is no communication and interaction, the children develop aggressive streaks in their behavior and this is very evident.

To children, parents are akin to gods. They are the source of love and care. They are the ones that children can confide in and will not be let down. No wonder that children look up to their parents and depend upon their love and support.

What do children look for? They just want to be loved at all times. Even when they make a mistake they confide in parents because in parents they find the unconditional support and love at all times, no matter what you do. The children derive great emotional strength with the knowledge that they can confide in their parents at all times.

If your child is behaving aggressively and throwing tantrums, you can be sure that he is asking for attention and wants to be loved. But the lack of communication is causing him to behave aggressively. At such times his need for support is grater than at other times.

The growing up years is often very painful and stressful for children. They suffer from self-doubt, identity crisis and it takes a little while for them to get adjusted with the outside world and find their footing. They try to project a confident self to the outside world and suffer from uncertainties within.

If you develop an atmosphere at home that is open, jovial and communicative, then you will find that the children prefer to enjoy doing things with you at home and this can keep them away from unwanted elements outside. You can build such an atmosphere only when there is a healthy exchange of ideas and open communication.

Growing up years are often very painful for children as they learn to make the transition from a child to an adult. This phase is fraught with self-doubt, identity crisis, unexplained anxiety and fears etc. The only emotional anchors for them are parents where they can express their fears freely and get useful advise and support. But to be able to get the child to communicate with parents, it is essential for parents to create a suitable environment at home. Parents must let the child know that this is only a growing phase that every body goes through this phase and it will soon pass.

Communication no doubt is a two-way channel. But with children who are going through adolescence, the parents have to often take that extra effort to build a communication channel with the child and create that security blanket so that the child is able to pour out his woes and seek support from the parents. He is then more likely to be receptive to the parent's advice. Children will be children; adults have to take the lead in extending the hand for the child to hold.

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