Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Is Niche Marketing? - Boost Your Online Income - 01

Why niche marketing? The most successful business use niche marketing since its targeted marketing with the end user in mind which in turn makes it one of the fastest ways to make money online or offline. Every product has its own demographics with which people can use it and moreover need it. What is niche marketing? An example of a fine tuned paradigm or niche; we'll say our product is "dog training". The demographics for "dog training" would be "pet owners with dogs that need to train their dogs". This is where you can focus in on specific age groups, men or woman and other details needed to form the demographics. This makes it easier to make sales when you are marketing to people with a need or strong interest in the given niche.

If you are a dog owner yourself you can relate to this since you would be included in the niche and so you can relate to the need of knowing how to properly train a dog. If your like me, you also care deeply about animals and so there for you know like I do that if more people were to know how to better train their pets they would be less likely to be getting abused or abandoned. Focus on explaining that one simple concept "why people that own dogs need to know how to train them" should be a great position for someone marketing in the niche of "dog training".

Having a personal interest is great because you know the needs and wants of the perspective buyers in the niche. I always suggest people start with something they them selves are a part of for their chosen niche and demographics. This will inevitably give them a much better leg to stand on when getting started on marketing something. Moreover, since they have their own frame of reference from which to relate to and draw from relative to real personal experience. In-turn they will sound much more in touch with people in the demographics their marketing to and therefore have greater success.

If you want to boost your online income, niche markets should be your focus and are very important in having success. Niche markets are sub-categories of much broader markets, and can be quite lucrative "comparatively speaking". Specificity of niche markets is the key to the high profitability that can be found with any kind of marketing online or offline for that matter. Anyone should understand that how to accomplish affiliate marketing success is with niche marketing. Moreover, success as an affiliate marketer is going to be difficult to achieve when one is lacking focus on niches.

Revealed: The Insider Niche Website Secrets That Generated Over $1,214,978 From Free Google Traffic! I'll Instantly Reveal Why Both Fox News & The New York Times Ran Stories About These Secrets & How This Technique Made $173,000 Selling Birdcages!

Edward Stephens, CEO of Gnarly LLC